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The need for secure communications has become paramount. This specification outlines a protocol describing a secure 1-to-1 comunication channel between 2 users. The main components are the X3DH key establishment mechanism, combined with the double ratchet. The aim of this combination of schemes is providing a protocol with both forward secrecy and post-compromise security.


The specification is based on the noise protocol framework. It corresponds to the double ratchet scheme combined with the X3DH algorithm, which will be used to initialize the former. We chose to express the protocol in noise to be be able to use the noise streamlined implementation and proving features. The X3DH algorithm provides both authentication and forward secrecy, as stated in the X3DH specification.

This protocol will consist of several stages:

  1. Key setting for X3DH: this step will produce prekey bundles for Bob which will be fed into X3DH. It will also allow Alice to generate the keys required to run the X3DH algorithm correctly.
  2. Execution of X3DH: This step will output a common secret key SK together with an additional data vector AD. Both will be used in the double ratchet algorithm initialization.
  3. Execution of the double ratchet algorithm for forward secure, authenticated communications, using the common secret key SK, obtained from X3DH, as a root key.

The protocol assumes the following requirements:

  • Alice knows Bob’s Ethereum address.
  • Bob is willing to participate in the protocol, and publishes his public key.
  • Bob’s ownership of his public key is verifiable,
  • Alice wants to send message M to Bob.
  • An eavesdropper cannot read M’s content even if she is storing it or relaying it.


Cryptographic suite

The following cryptographic functions MUST be used:

  • X488 as Diffie-Hellman function DH.
  • SHA256 as KDF.
  • AES256-GCM as AEAD algorithm.
  • SHA512 as hash function.
  • XEd448 for digital signatures.

X3DH initialization

This scheme MUST work on the curve curve448. The X3DH algorithm corresponds to the IX pattern in Noise.

Bob and Alice MUST define personal key pairs (ik_B, IK_B) and (ik_A, IK_A) respectively where:

  • The key ik must be kept secret,
  • and the key IK is public.

Bob MUST generate new keys using (ik_B, IK_B) = GENERATE_KEYPAIR(curve = curve448).

Bob MUST also generate a public key pair (spk_B, SPK_B) = GENERATE_KEYPAIR(curve = curve448).

SPK is a public key generated and stored at medium-term. Both signed prekey and the certificate MUST undergo periodic replacement. After replacing the key, Bob keeps the old private key of SPK for some interval, dependant on the implementation. This allows Bob to decrypt delayed messages.

Bob MUST sign SPK for authentication: SigSPK = XEd448(ik, Encode(SPK))

A final step requires the definition of prekey_bundle = (IK, SPK, SigSPK, OPK_i)

One-time keys OPK MUST be generated as (opk_B, OPK_B) = GENERATE_KEYPAIR(curve = curve448).

Before sending an initial message to Bob, Alice MUST generate an AD: AD = Encode(IK_A) || Encode(IK_B).

Alice MUST generate ephemeral key pairs (ek, EK) = GENERATE_KEYPAIR(curve = curve448).

The function Encode() transforms a curve448 public key into a byte sequence. This is specified in the RFC 7748 on elliptic curves for security.

One MUST consider q = 2^446 - 13818066809895115352007386748515426880336692474882178609894547503885 for digital signatures with (XEd448_sign, XEd448_verify):

XEd448_sign((ik, IK), message):
Z = randbytes(64)
r = SHA512(2^456 - 2 || ik || message || Z )
R = (r * convert_mont(5)) % q
h = SHA512(R || IK || M)
s = (r + h * ik) % q
return (R || s)
XEd448_verify(u, message, (R || s)):
if (R.y >= 2^448) or (s >= 2^446): return FALSE
h = (SHA512(R || 156326 || message)) % q
R_check = s * convert_mont(5) - h * 156326
if R == R_check: return TRUE
return FALSE
u_masked = u % mod 2^448
inv = ((1 - u_masked)^(2^448 - 2^224 - 3)) % (2^448 - 2^224 - 1)
P.y = ((1 + u_masked) * inv)) % (2^448 - 2^224 - 1)
P.s = 0
return P

Use of X3DH

This specification combines the double ratchet with X3DH using the following data as initialization for the former:

  • The SK output from X3DH becomes the SK input of the double ratchet. See section 3.3 of Signal Specification for a detailed description.
  • The AD output from X3DH becomes the AD input of the double ratchet. See sections 3.4 and 3.5 of Signal Specification for a detailed description.
  • Bob’s signed prekey SigSPKB from X3DH is used as Bob’s initial ratchet public key of the double ratchet.

X3DH has three phases:

  1. Bob publishes his identity key and prekeys to a server, a network, or dedicated smart contract.
  2. Alice fetches a prekey bundle from the server, and uses it to send an initial message to Bob.
  3. Bob receives and processes Alice's initial message.

Alice MUST perform the following computations:

dh1 = DH(IK_A, SPK_B, curve = curve448)
dh2 = DH(EK_A, IK_B, curve = curve448)
dh3 = DH(EK_A, SPK_B)
SK = KDF(dh1 || dh2 || dh3)

Alice MUST send to Bob a message containing:

  • IK_A, EK_A.
  • An identifier to Bob's prekeys used.
  • A message encrypted with AES256-GCM using AD and SK.

Upon reception of the initial message, Bob MUST:

  1. Perform the same computations above with the DH() function.
  2. Derive SK and construct AD.
  3. Decrypt the initial message encrypted with AES256-GCM.
  4. If decryption fails, abort the protocol.

Initialization of the double datchet

In this stage Bob and Alice have generated key pairs and agreed a shared secret SK using X3DH.

Alice calls RatchetInitAlice() defined below:

RatchetInitAlice(SK, IK_B):
state.DHs = GENERATE_KEYPAIR(curve = curve448)
state.DHr = IK_B
state.RK, state.CKs = HKDF(SK, DH(state.DHs, state.DHr))
state.CKr = None
state.Ns, state.Nr, state.PN = 0
state.MKSKIPPED = {}

The HKDF function MUST be the proposal by Krawczyk and Eronen. In this proposal chaining_key and input_key_material MUST be replaced with SK and the output of DH respectively.

Similarly, Bob calls the function RatchetInitBob() defined below:

RatchetInitBob(SK, (ik_B,IK_B)):
state.DHs = (ik_B, IK_B)
state.Dhr = None
state.RK = SK
state.CKs, state.CKr = None
state.Ns, state.Nr, state.PN = 0
state.MKSKIPPED = {}


This function performs the symmetric key ratchet.

RatchetEncrypt(state, plaintext, AD):
state.CKs, mk = HMAC-SHA256(state.CKs)
header = HEADER(state.DHs, state.PN, state.Ns)
state.Ns = state.Ns + 1
return header, AES256-GCM_Enc(mk, plaintext, AD || header)

The HEADER function creates a new message header containing the public key from the key pair output of the DHfunction. It outputs the previous chain length pn, and the message number n. The returned header object contains ratchet public key dh and integers pn and n.


The function RatchetDecrypt() decrypts incoming messages:

RatchetDecrypt(state, header, ciphertext, AD):
plaintext = TrySkippedMessageKeys(state, header, ciphertext, AD)
if plaintext != None:
return plaintext
if header.dh != state.DHr:
DHRatchet(state, header)
SkipMessageKeys(state, header.n)
state.CKr, mk = HMAC-SHA256(state.CKr)
state.Nr = state.Nr + 1
return AES256-GCM_Dec(mk, ciphertext, AD || header)

Auxiliary functions follow:

DHRatchet(state, header):
state.PN = state.Ns
state.Ns = state.Nr = 0
state.DHr = header.dh
state.RK, state.CKr = HKDF(state.RK, DH(state.DHs, state.DHr))
state.DHs = GENERATE_KEYPAIR(curve = curve448)
state.RK, state.CKs = HKDF(state.RK, DH(state.DHs, state.DHr))
SkipMessageKeys(state, until):
if state.NR + MAX_SKIP < until:
raise Error
if state.CKr != none:
while state.Nr < until:
state.CKr, mk = HMAC-SHA256(state.CKr)
state.MKSKIPPED[state.DHr, state.Nr] = mk
state.Nr = state.Nr + 1
TrySkippedMessageKey(state, header, ciphertext, AD):
if (header.dh, header.n) in state.MKSKIPPED:
mk = state.MKSKIPPED[header.dh, header.n]
delete state.MKSKIPPED[header.dh, header.n]
return AES256-GCM_Dec(mk, ciphertext, AD || header)
else: return None

Information retrieval

Static data

Some data, such as the key pairs (ik, IK) for Alice and Bob, MAY NOT be regenerated after a period of time. Therefore the prekey bundle MAY be stored in long-term storage solutions, such as a dedicated smart contract which outputs such a key pair when receiving an Ethereum wallet address.

Storing static data is done using a dedicated smart contract PublicKeyStorage which associates the Ethereum wallet address of a user with his public key. This mapping is done by PublicKeyStorage using a publicKeys function, or a setPublicKey function. This mapping is done if the user passed an authorization process. A user who wants to retrieve a public key associated with a specific wallet address calls a function getPublicKey. The user provides the wallet address as the only input parameter for getPublicKey. The function outputs the associated public key from the smart contract.

Ephemeral data

Storing ephemeral data on Ethereum MAY be done using a combination of on-chain and off-chain solutions. This approach provides an efficient solution to the problem of storing updatable data in Ethereum.

  1. Ethereum stores a reference or a hash that points to the off-chain data.
  2. Off-chain solutions can include systems like IPFS, traditional cloud storage solutions, or decentralized storage networks such as a Swarm.

In any case, the user stores the associated IPFS hash, URL or reference in Ethereum.

The fact of a user not updating the ephemeral information can be understood as Bob not willing to participate in any communication.

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