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This document specifies the Mix protocol, a custom protocol within the libp2p framework designed to enable anonymous communication in peer-to-peer networks. The Mix protocol allows libp2p nodes to send messages without revealing the sender's identity to intermediary nodes or the recipient. It achieves this by using the Sphinx packet format, which encrypts and routes messages through a series of nodes (mix nodes) before reaching the recipient.

Key features of the protocol include:

i. Path selection for choosing a random route through the network via multiple mix nodes.\ ii. Sphinx packet construction and processing, providing cryptographic guarantees of anonymity and security.\ iii. Pluggable spam protection mechanism to prevent abuse of the mix network.\ iv. Delayed message forwarding to thwart timing analysis attacks.

Protocol identifier: "/mix/1.0.0"

Note: The Mix Protocol is designed to work alongside existing libp2p protocols, allowing for seamless integration with current libp2p applications while providing enhanced privacy features. For example, it can encapsulate messages from protocols like GossipSub to ensure sender anonymity.


libp2p protocols do not inherently protect sender identities.

The Mix protocol enhances anonymity in libp2p by implementing a mix network, where messages are anonymized through multiple relay nodes before reaching the intended recipient. The Sphinx packet format is a well-researched component which this specification leverages to offer strong anonymity properties by concealing sender and recipient information at each relay.

Using this approach, even the nodes relaying messages cannot determine the sender or final recipient, within a robust adversarial model. This decentralized solution distributes trust among participants, eliminating single points of failure and enhancing overall network resilience. Additionally, pluggable spam protection mechanism and delayed forwarding address common attacks on anonymity networks, such as spam and timing analysis.

The Mix protocol is designed with flexibility in mind, allowing for pluggable components such as spam protection, peer discovery, and incentivization mechanisms. This design choice enables the protocol to evolve and adapt to different network requirements and constraints. This also leaves room for future enhancements such as cover traffic generation.

By incorporating these features, the Mix protocol aims to provide a robust anonymity layer within the libp2p ecosystem, enabling developers to easily incorporate privacy features into their applications.


1. Protocol Identifier

The Mix protocol is identified by the string "/mix/1.0.0".

2. Custom Mix Protocol

The Mix protocol is designed as a standalone protocol, identified by the protocol identifier "/mix/1.0.0". This approach allows the Mix protocol to operate independently, decoupled from specific applications, providing greater flexibility and reusability across various libp2p protocols. By doing so, the Mix protocol can evolve independently, focusing on its core functionality without being tied to the development and maintenance cycles of other protocols.

2.1 Mix Nodes Roles

All nodes participating in the Mix protocol are considered as mix nodes. They have the capability to create/process and forward Sphinx packets. Mix nodes can play different roles depending on their position in a particular message path:

  • Sender Node
    • A mix node that initiates the anonymous message publishing process.
    • Responsible for:
      • Path selection.
      • Sphinx packet creation.
      • Initiating the message routing through the mix network.
    • Must run both the Mix protocol instance and the instance of the libp2p protocol for the message being published (e.g., GossipSub, Ping, etc.).
  • Intermediary Mix Node
    • A mix node that is neither the sender nor the exit node in a message path.
    • Responsible for:
      • Receiving Sphinx packets.
      • Processing (decrypting and re-encrypting) Sphinx packets.
      • Forwarding processed packets to the next node in the path.
    • Only needs to run the Mix protocol instance.
  • Exit Node
    • The final mix node in a message path.
    • Responsible for:
      • Receiving and processing the final Sphinx packet.
      • Extracting the original message.
      • Disseminating the decrypted message using the appropriate libp2p protocol.
    • Must run both the Mix protocol instance and the instance of the libp2p protocol for the message being published.

2.2 Roles Flexibility

A single mix node can play different roles in different paths:

  • It can be a sender node for messages it initiates.
  • It can be an intermediary node for messages it is forwarding.
  • It can be an exit node for messages it is disseminating.

2.3 Incentives

To publish an anonymous libp2p message (e.g., GossipSub, Ping, etc.), nodes MUST run a mix node instance. This requirement serves as an incentive for nodes to participate in the mix network, as it allows them to benefit from the anonymity features while also contributing to the network's overall anonymity and robustness.

2.4 Node Discovery

All mix nodes participate in the discovery process and maintain a list of discovered nodes.

  • Bootstrap Nodes

    i. The network has a set of well-known bootstrap nodes that new mix nodes can connect to when joining the network.\ ii. The bootstrap nodes help new mix nodes discover other active mix nodes in the network.

  • Discovery

    i. All mix nodes publish their Ethereum Node Records (ENRs) containing:

    "id": "v4",
    "multiaddr": "/ip4/",
    "ed25519": "0x5a6fcd3e9d6a5e4d5f71e7e5b4cfa9b7b73d9f5f7e9a8b9c5d7f9e8d5a6f7c9e",
    "mix": "/mix/1.0.0",
    "supported_protocols": ["ping", "gossipsub"]

    Field Explanations

    • id: Indicates the ENR format version (e.g., "v4").
    • multiaddr: The node's multiaddress, including the transport protocol (e.g., QUIC) and IP address/port.
    • ed25519: The node's Ed25519 public key, used for Sphinx encryption.
    • mix: Indicates the supported Mix protocol version (e.g., "/mix/1.0.0").
    • supported_protocols: A list of other libp2p protocols supported by the node (e.g., Ping, GossipSub, etc.).
    • Additional fields may be included based on the node's requirements.

    ii. The mix nodes use a peer discovery protocol like WAKU/Discv5:

    • Connect to a set of bootstrap nodes when joining the network.
    • Regularly update their list of known peers.
    • Obtain a random sample of nodes that is representative of the network.
  • Path Selection (Message Senders Only)

    To send an anonymous message, a mix node performs the following actions:

    i. Choose a random exit node that supports the required libp2p protocol for the message.\ ii. Select remaining L-1 unique mix nodes randomly without replacement from the list of discovered nodes.

  • Forwarding To Next Hop (Intermediary Nodes Only)

    When a mix node receives an incoming Sphinx packet, it performs the following actions:

    i. Decrypts the packet to obtain the next hop multiaddress\ ii. Checks if the next hop is in the list of discovered nodes.\ iii. If not, performs discovery for that specific node.\ iv. Forwards the Sphinx packet to the next hop.

2.5 Protocol Registration

The protocol is registered with the libp2p host using the "/mix/1.0.0" identifier. This identifier is used to establish connections and negotiate the protocol between libp2p peers.

2.6 Transport Layer

The Mix protocol uses secure transport protocols to ensure confidentiality and integrity of communications. The recommended transport protocols are QUIC or TLS (preferably QUIC due to its performance benefits and built-in features such as low latency and efficient multiplexing).

2.7 Connection Establishment

  • The sender initiates a secure connection (TLS or QUIC) to the first mix node using the libp2p transport.
  • The sender uses the "/mix/1.0.0" protocol identifier to convey that the connection is for the Mix protocol.
  • Once the connection is established, the sender can forward Sphinx packets using the Mix protocol.
  • Subsequent mix nodes in the path follow the same process when forwarding messages to other mix nodes.

3. Cryptographic Primitives and Security Parameter

  • Security Parameter: κ=128\kappa = 128 bits provides a balance between security and efficiency.
  • Cryptographic Primitives
    • Group G: Curve25519 elliptic curve offers 128-bit security with small (32-byte) group elements, efficient for both encryption and key exchange.
    • Hash function H: SHA-256.
    • KDF: SHA-256 (truncated to 128 bits).
    • AES-CTR: AES-128 in counter mode.
      • Inputs: Key k (16 bytes), Initialization Vector iv (16 bytes), Plaintext p
      • Initialization Vector (IV): 16 bytes, chosen randomly for each encryption.
      • Plaintext: Data to be encrypted (e.g., routing information, message payload).
      • Output: Ciphertext c (same size as plaintext p).
      • Operation: AES-CTR mode uses key and the counter (iv) to produce a keystream, which is XORed with the plaintext to produce the ciphertext.
    • HMAC-SHA-256: 256-bit MAC (truncated to 128 bits).
      • Inputs: Key k (16 bytes), Message m
      • Message: Data to be authenticated (e.g., ββ component).
      • Output: MAC mac (truncated to 128 bits).
      • Operation: HMAC-SHA-256 uses the key and the message to produce a hash-based message authentication code.

4. Sphinx Packet Format

4.1 Packet Components and Sizes

  1. Alpha (αα): 32 bytes

    • Represents a Curve25519 group element (x-coordinate in GF(2^255 - 19)).
    • Used by mix nodes to extract shared session key using their private key.
  2. Beta (ββ): ((t+1)r+1)κ((t+1)r + 1)\kappa bytes typically, where rr is the maximum path length.

    • Contains the encrypted routing information.
    • We recommend a reasonable maximum path length of r=5r=5, considering latency/anonymity trade-offs.
    • This gives a reasonable size of 336336 bytes, when t=3t = 3 (refer Section 5.2.10 for the choice of tt).
    • We extend ββ to accommodate next hop address and delay below.
  3. Gamma (γγ): κ\kappa bytes (16 bytes)

    • Output of HMAC-SHA-256, truncated to 128 bits.
    • Ensures the integrity of the header information.
  4. Delta (δδ): The encrypted payload, which can be of variable size.

    • According to the MixMatch paper, the Nym network uses Sphinx packets of a fixed size (2413 bytes).
    • Considering this, the maximum δδ size can be chosen as 2413 bytes minus the header length (which will be derived below).

4.2 Address Format and Delay Specification

In the original Sphinx paper, the authors use node IDs of size κ\kappa (1616 bytes) to represent the next hop addresses. To accommodate larger addresses, we'll use a combined size of tκt\kappa bytes for the address and delay, where tt is small (e.g., t=2t = 2 or 33).

  • Delay: 2 bytes Allows delays up to 65,535 milliseconds ≈ 65 seconds.
  • Address: tκ2t\kappa-2 bytes This flexible format can accommodate various address types, including:
    • libp2p multiaddress (variable length, typically 32-64 bytes).
    • Custom format with:
      • IP address (IPv4 or IPv6, 4 or 16 bytes)
      • TCP/UDP port number (2 bytes)
      • QUIC/TLS protocol identifier flag (1 byte)
      • Peer ID (32 bytes for Ed25519 or Secp256k1).

The entire Sphinx packet header (αα, ββ, and γγ) can fit within a fixed size of 32+(r(t+1)+1)κ+16=38432 + (r(t+1)+1)\kappa + 16 = 384 bytes, leaving ample room for a large δδ of up to 2413384=20292413 - 384 = 2029 bytes.

4.3 Message Format

The Mix protocol uses the Sphinx packet format to encapsulate messages and routing information.

message SphinxPacket {
bytes alpha = 1; // 32 bytes
bytes beta = 2; // 304 - 384 bytes
bytes gamma = 3; // 16 bytes
bytes delta = 4; // variable size, max 2029 bytes

5. Handler Function

The handler function is responsible for processing connections and messages for the Mix protocol. It operates according to the mix node roles (i.e., sender, intermediary mix node, or exit node) defined in Section 2.1. This function is crucial for implementing the core functionality of the mixnet protocol within the libp2p framework.

When a node receives a new stream for the "/mix/1.0.0" protocol, the handler function is invoked. It performs different operations based on the node's role in the current message path:

  • Role Determination

    The handler first determines the node's role for the incoming message. This is typically done by examining the packet structure and the node's position in the network.

  • Packet Processing

    Depending on the role, the handler processes the Sphinx packet differently:

    • For senders, it creates and sends new Sphinx packets.
    • For intermediary nodes, it processes and forwards existing packets.
    • For exit nodes, it decrypts the final layer and disseminates the original message.
  • Error Handling

    It manages any errors that occur during packet processing, such as invalid MACs or decryption failures.

  • Logging and Metrics

    The handler is also be responsible for logging important events and collecting metrics for network analysis and debugging.

The specific implementation of the handler function for each role (i.e., sender, intermediary, and exit node) is detailed in the following subsections.

5.1 Sender

  1. Convert the libp2p Message to Bytes

    Serialize the libp2p message to bytes and store the result in libp2p_message. This can be done using Protocol Buffers or another serialization method.

  2. Apply Spam Protection

    Apply the chosen spam protection mechanism to the libp2p_message. This could be Proof of Work (PoW), Verifiable Delay Function (VDF), Rate Limiting Nullifier (RLN), or other suitable approaches.

    Refer to Appendix A for details on the current implementation using PoW.

  3. Prepare the Message

    Prepare the message by combining the libp2p_message with any necessary data from the spam protection mechanism. The exact format of message will depend on the chosen spam protection method.

    Note: The spam protection mechanism is designed as a pluggable interface, allowing for different methods to be implemented based on network requirements. This flexibility extends to other components such as peer discovery and incentivization, which are not specified in detail to allow for future optimizations and adaptations.

  4. Perform Path Selection (refer Section 2.4)

    • Let the Ed25519 public keys of the mix nodes in the path be y0, y1, , yL1y_0,\ y_1,\ \ldots,\ y_{L-1}.
  5. Wrap Final Message in Sphinx Packet Perform the following steps to wrap message in a Sphinx packet:

    a. Compute Alphas (αiα_i, i=0i=0 to L1L-1)

    • Select a random exponent xx from Zq\mathbb{Z}_q^*.
    • Compute initial alpha α0α_0, shared secret s0s_0, and blinding factor b0b_0:
      • α0=gxα_0 = g^x using Curve25519 scalar multiplication.
      • s0=y0xs_0 = y_0^x, where y0y_0 is the public key of the first hop.
      • b0=H(α0  s0)b_0 = H(α_0\ |\ s_0), where HH is the SHA-256 hash function (refer Section 3 for details).
    • For each node ii (from 11 to L1L-1):
      • αi=αi1bi1α_i = α_{i-1}^{b_{i-1}} using Curve25519 scalar multiplication.
      • si=yixj=0i-1bjs_i = y_{i}^{x\prod_{\text{j=0}}^{\text{i-1}} b_{j}}, where yiy_{i} is the public key of the i-th hop.
      • bi=H(αi  si)b_i = H(α_i\ |\ s_i), where HH is the SHA-256 hash function.

    Note that αi\alpha_i and sis_i are group elements, each 32 bytes long.

    b. Compute Filler Strings (ϕi\phi_i, i=0i=0 to L1L-1)

    • Initialize ϕ0\phi_0 as an empty string.

    • For each ii (from 11 to L1L-1):

      • Derive the AES key and IV:

        φ_aes_keyi1=KDF("aes_key"  si1)`\text{φ\_aes\_key}_{i-1} = KDF(\text{"aes\_key"}\ |\ s_{i-1})`

        φ_ivi1=H("iv"  si1)`\text{φ\_iv}_{i-1} = H(\text{"iv"}\ |\ s_{i-1})` (truncated to 128 bits)

      • Compute the filler string ϕi\phi_i using AES-CTRi\text{AES-CTR}^\prime_i, which is AES-CTR encryption with the keystream starting from index ((t+1)(ri)+t+2)κ((t+1)(r-i)+t+2)\kappa :

        ϕi=AES-CTRi(φ_aes_keyi1, φ_ivi1, ϕi1  0(t+1)κ)`\phi_i = \text{AES-CTR}^\prime_i(\text{φ\_aes\_key}_{i-1},\ \text{φ\_iv}_{i-1}, \ \phi_{i-1}\ |\ 0_{(t+1)\kappa})`, where 0(t+1)κ0_{(t+1)\kappa} is the string of 00 bits of length (t+1)κ(t+1)\kappa.

    Note that the length of ϕi\phi_i is (t+1)iκ(t+1)i\kappa.

    c. Compute Betas and Gammas (βi\beta_i, γi\gamma_i, i=0i=0 to L1L-1)

    For each ii (from L1L-1 to 00):

    • Derive the AES key, MAC key, and IV:

      β_aes_keyi=KDF("aes_key"  si)`\text{β\_aes\_key}_{i} = KDF(\text{"aes\_key"}\ |\ s_{i})`

      mac_keyi=KDF("mac_key"  si)`\text{mac\_key}_{i} = KDF(\text{"mac\_key"}\ |\ s_{i})`

      β_ivi=H("iv"  si)`\text{β\_iv}_{i} = H(\text{"iv"}\ |\ s_{i})` (truncated to 128 bits)

    • Generate random delay_i`\text{delay\_i}`, a 16-bit unsigned integer (0-65535 milliseconds).

      Note that top-level applications can use other probability distributions, such as an exponential distribution, where shorter delays are more likely than longer delays. This can mimic real-world traffic patterns and provide robust anonymity against traffic analysis. The trade-off lies in balancing the need for flexible delay handling with the risk of exposing application-specific traffic patterns.

    • If i=L1i = L-1 (i.e., exit node):

      βi=AES-CTR(β_aes_keyi, β_ivi, 0((t+1)(rL)+t+2)κ)  ϕL1`\beta_i = \text{AES-CTR}(\text{β\_aes\_key}_{i},\ \text{β\_iv}_{i},\ 0_{((t+1) (r-L)+t+2)\kappa})\ |\ \phi_{L-1}`

    • Otherwise (i.e., intermediary node):

      βi=AES-CTR(β_aes_keyi, β_ivi, addri+1  delayi+1  γi+1  βi+1[0(r(t+1)t)κ1])`\beta_i = \text{AES-CTR}(\text{β\_aes\_key}_{i},\ \text{β\_iv}_{i},\ \text {addr}_{i+1} \ |\ \text{delay}_{i+1}\ | \ \gamma_{i+1}\ |\ {\beta_{i+1}}_ {[0\ldots(r(t+1)-t)\kappa−1]})`

      Note that the length of βi\beta_i is (r(t+1)+1)κ(r(t+1)+1)\kappa, 0iL10 \leq i \leq L-1, where tt is the combined length of next hop address and delay.

    • γi=HMAC-SHA-256(mac_keyi, βi)`\gamma_i = \text{HMAC-SHA-256}(\text{mac\_key}_i,\ β_i)`\ Note that the length of γi\gamma_i is κ\kappa.

    d. Compute Deltas (δi\delta_i, i=0i=0 to L1L-1)

    For each ii (from L1L-1 to 00):

    • Derive the AES key and IV:

      δ_aes_keyi=KDF("δ_aes_key"  si)`\text{δ\_aes\_key}_{i} = KDF(\text{"δ\_aes\_key"}\ |\ s_{i})`

      δ_ivi=H("δ_iv"  si)`\text{δ\_iv}_{i} = H(\text{"δ\_iv"}\ |\ s_{i})` (truncated to 128 bits)

    • If i=L1i = L-1 (i.e., exit node):

      δi=AES-CTR(δ_aes_keyi, δ_ivi, 0κ  m)`\delta_i = \text{AES-CTR}(\text{δ\_aes\_key}_{i},\ \text{δ\_iv}_{i}, \ 0_{\kappa}\ |\ m)`, where mm is the message.

    • Otherwise (i.e., intermediary node):

      δi=AES-CTR(δ_aes_keyi, δ_ivi, δi+1)`\delta_i = \text{AES-CTR}(\text{δ\_aes\_key}_{i},\ \text{δ\_iv}_{i},\ \delta_{i+1})`

      Note that the length of δ\delta is m+κ|m| + \kappa.

      Given that the derived size of δ\delta is 20292029 bytes, this allows message to be of length 202916=20132029-16 = 2013 bytes. This means smaller messages may need to be padded up to 20132013 bytes (e.g., using PKCS#7 padding).

    e. Construct Final Sphinx Packet

    • Initialize header

      alpha = alpha_0 // 32 bytes
      beta = beta_0 // $(r(t+1)+1)\kappa$ bytes
      gamma = gamma_0 // 16 bytes

      As discussed earlier, for a maximum path length of r=5r = 5, and combined length of address and delay t=3κ=48t = 3\kappa = 48 bytes, the header size is just 384384 bytes.

    • Initialize payload

      delta = delta_0 // variable size, max 2029 bytes

      For a fixed Sphinx packet size of 24132413 bytes and given the header length of 384384 bytes, delta size is 20292029 bytes.

  6. Serialize the Sphinx Packet using Protocol Buffers.

  7. Send the Serialized Packet to the first mix node using the "/mix/1.0.0" protocol.

5.2 Intermediary Mix Node

Let xiZq`x_i \in \mathbb{Z}_q^*` be the intermediary node’s private key corresponding to the public key yiGy_i \in G^*. It performs the following steps to relay a message:

  1. Receive and Deserialize the Sphinx packet using Protocol Buffers.

  2. Compute Shared Secret s=αxis = \alpha^{x_{i}}.

  3. Check If Previously Seen

    a. Compute tag H(s)H(s), where HH is the SHA-256 hash function.

    b. If tag is in the previously seen list of tags, discard the message.

    c. This list can be reset whenever the node rotates its private key

  4. Compute MAC

    a. Derive MAC key

    mac_key=KDF("mac_key"  s)`\text{mac\_key} = KDF(\text{"mac\_key"}\ |\ s)`

    b. Check if γ=HMAC-SHA-256(mac_key, β)`\gamma = \text{HMAC-SHA-256}(\text{mac\_key},\ β)` . If not, discard the message.

    c. Otherwise, store tag H(s)H(s) in the list of seen message tags.

  5. Decrypt One Layer

    a. Derive the AES key, MAC key, and IV:

    β_aes_key=KDF("aes_key"  s)`\text{β\_aes\_key} = KDF(\text{"aes\_key"}\ |\ s)`

    β_iv=H("iv"  s)`\text{β\_iv} = H(\text{"iv"}\ |\ s)` (truncated to 128 bits)

    b. Compute B=AES-CTR(β_aes_key, β_iv, β  0(t+1)k)`B = \text{AES-CTR}(\text{β\_aes\_key},\ \text{β\_iv},\ \beta\ |\ 0_{(t+1)k})`.

    c. Uniquely parse prefix of BB

    If BB has a prefix of 0((t+1)(rL)+t+2)κ0_{((t+1)(r-L)+t+2)\kappa}, the current node is the exit node (refer exit node operations below).

    Otherwise, it is an intermediary node and it performs the followings steps to relay the message.

    d. Extract Routing Information

    next_hop=B[0(tκ17)]`\text{next\_hop} = B_{[0\ldots(t\kappa-17)]}` (first tκ2t\kappa-2 bytes).

    e. Extract Delay

    delay=B[(tκ16)(tκ1)]`\text{delay} = B_{[(t\kappa-16)\ldots(t\kappa-1)]}` (following 22 bytes).

    f. Extract Gamma

    γ=B[tκ(tκ+κ1)]`{\gamma}' = B_{[t\kappa\ldots(t\kappa+\kappa-1)]}` (following κ\kappa bytes).

    g. Extract Beta

    β=B[(tκ+κ)(r(t+1)+t+2)κ1]`\beta' = B_{[(t\kappa+\kappa)\ldots(r(t+1)+t+2)\kappa-1]}` (following ((t+1)r+1)κ((t+1)r + 1)\kappa bytes).

    h. Compute Alpha

    • Compute blinding factor b=H(α  s)b = H(α\ |\ s), where HH is the SHA-256 hash function.
    • Compute α=αbα^′ = α^b.

    i. Compute Delta

    • Derive the AES key and IV: δ_aes_key=KDF("δ_aes_key"  s)`\text{δ\_aes\_key} = KDF(\text{"δ\_aes\_key"}\ |\ s)`δ_iv=H("δ_iv"  s)`\text{δ\_iv} = H(\text{"δ\_iv"}\ |\ s)` (truncated to 128 bits)
    • Compute δ=AES-CTR(δ_aes_key, δ_iv, δ)`\delta' = \text{AES-CTR}(\text{δ\_aes\_key},\ \text{δ\_iv},\ \delta)`
  6. Construct Final Sphinx Packet

    a. Initialize header

     alpha = alpha' // 32 bytes
    beta = beta' // $((t+1)r + 1)\kappa$ bytes
    gamma = gamma' // 16 bytes

    b. Initialize payload

    delta = delta' // variable size, max 2029 bytes

  7. Serialize the Sphinx Packet using Protocol Buffers.

  8. Introduce A Delay of delay`\text{delay}` milliseconds.

  9. Send the Serialized Packet to next_hop`\text{next\_hop}` using the "/mix/1.0.0" protocol.

5.3 Exit Node

  1. Perform Steps i. to v. b. Above, similar to an intermediary node. If BB has a prefix of 0((t+1)(rL)+t+2)κ0_{((t+1)(r-L)+t+2)\kappa} (in step 5. c. above), the current node is the exit node. It performs the following steps to disseminate the message via the respective libp2p protocol.

  2. Compute Delta

    • Derive the AES key and IV:

      δ_aes_key=KDF("δ_aes_key"  s)`\text{δ\_aes\_key} = KDF(\text{"δ\_aes\_key"}\ |\ s)`

      δ_iv=H("δ_iv"  s)`\text{δ\_iv} = H(\text{"δ\_iv"}\ |\ s)` (truncated to 128 bits)

    • Compute δ=AES-CTR(δ_aes_key, δ_iv, δ)`\delta' = \text{AES-CTR}(\text{δ\_aes\_key},\ \text{δ\_iv},\ \delta)`.

  3. Extract Message

    m=δ[κ]m = \delta'_{[\kappa\ldots]} (remove first κ\kappa bytes).

  4. Remove Any Padding from mm to obtain the message including any necessary spam protection data.

  5. Verify Spam Protection

    Verify the spam protection mechanism applied to the message. If the verification fails, discard the message. Refer to Appendix A for details on the current implementation using PoW.

  6. Deserialize the extracted message using the respective libp2p protocol's definition.

  7. Disseminate the message via the respective libp2p protocol (e.g., GossipSub).

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Handler function libp2p\ Sphinx


PoW\ Sphinx packet size

Appendix A. Example Spam Protection using Proof of Work

The current implementation uses a Proof of Work mechanism for spam protection. This section details the specific steps for attaching and verifying the PoW.


The sender appends the PoW to the serialized libp2p message, libp2p_message, in a structured format, making it easy to parse and verify by the exit node. The sender includes the PoW as follows:

 message = <libp2p_message_bytes | timestamp | nonce>


<libp2p_message_bytes>: Serialized libp2p message (variable length).

<timestamp>: The current Unix timestamp in seconds (4 bytes).

<nonce>: The nonce that satisfies the PoW difficulty criterion (4 bytes).

Nonce Size: The nonce size should be large enough to ensure a sufficiently large search space. It should be chosen so that the range of possible nonce values allows for the difficulty target to be met. However, larger nonce sizes can increase the time and computational effort required to find a valid nonce. We use a 4-byte nonce to ensure sufficiently large search space with reasonable computational effort.

Difficulty Level: The difficulty level is usually expressed as the number of leading zeros required in the hash output. It is chosen such that the computational effort required is significant but not prohibitive. We recommend a reasonable difficulty level that requires around 16-18 leading zeros in the SHA-256 hash. This would roughly take 0.65 to 2.62 seconds to compute in a low-grade CPU, capable of computing 100,000 hashes per second.

Calculate Proof of Work (PoW)

The sender performs the following steps to compute the PoW challenge and response:

i. Create Challenge

Retrieves the current Unix timestamp, timestamp, in seconds (4 bytes).

ii. Find A Valid Nonce

  • Initializes the nonce to a 4-byte value (initially zero).

  • Increments the nonce until the SHA-256 hash of <libp2p_message_bytes | timestamp | nonce> has at least 18 leading zeros.

  • The final value of the nonce is considered valid.

Attach the PoW to the libp2p Message

Append the 4-byte timestamp and the valid nonce to the libp2p_message_bytes to form the message.

message = <libp2p_message_bytes | timestamp | nonce>

Verify PoW

i. Extract Timestamp and Nonce

Split message into 4-byte nonce (last 4 bytes), 4-byte timestamp (the 4 bytes before the nonce), and the serialized libp2p message to be published, libp2p_message_bytes (the remaining bytes).

ii. Verify Timestamp

  • Check the timestamp is within the last 5 minutes.
  • If the timestamp is outside the acceptable window, the exit node discards the message.

iii. Verifiy Response

  • Compute the SHA-256 hash of the message and check if the hash meets the difficulty requirement, i.e., has at least 18 leading zeros.
  • If the hash is not valid, the exit node discards the message. Otherwise, it follows the steps to publish the message.